Introducing The 2015 "BLEWZZY AWARD" - by Peter Lauro (The Blewzzman)
~The 2015 BLEWZZY Award~
Hello Friends of the Blewzz,
Each year since 2002, has been giving out the symbolic, yet very coveted award known as "The Blewzzy". Unlike other organizations or websites that give out music awards based on the democratic process of votes being cast, "The Blewzzy" is done in the fashion of a dictatorship - I dictate the winner (LOL). "The Blewzzy" is an award given to the CD and song that I liked best of all the CD's I reviewed during the year - simple as that. Back then, when we weren't doing that many reviews, it was quite easy to pick a winner. However, as the site became more well known, and with submissions from BMA, Juno, Maple and Grammy Award winners, it got more difficult to pick a winner, but more exciting as well.
In 2015, we reviewed 40 CDs. As usual, those discs came from all walks of musical life ranging from local and regional players to national & international touring acts and foreign bands as well.
With that said, the time has come where I am very pleased to announce the winners of the 2015 "Blewzzy Awards". Since our review policy requires that I must like the CD in order to review it, it's quite obvious that the list of honorable mentions could be lengthy. However, this year we're just going to list the top three in each category.
In the CD category:
- The third runner up is "The Real Thing", by D. A. Foster
- The second runner up is "Close But No Cigar" by Madison Slim
- And Blewzzman's favorite disc and winner of the 2015 Blewzzy
Award for best CD is "Go Back Home To The Blues" by The Knickerbocker All-Stars"
In the song category:
- The third runner up is "Let Yourself Go" by John Clifton
- The second runner up is "Crossroads Of My Life" by Johnny Riley
- And Blewzzman's favorite track and winner of the 2015 Blewzzy
Award for best song is "Please Mr. BlackHat" by Bobby BlackHat Walters.
This is Bobby's second win in the category,
back in 2012 his "I Hear Mama's Voice" also took top honors.
For information on how to get a review of your CD and have it eligible for next year's Blewzzy Awards, just contact me.
Peter "Blewzzman" Lauro
Blues Editor @
2011 Keeping The Blues Alive Award Recipient
Click The Links Below To Read the Reviews
Best CD - "Go Back Home To The Blues" by The Knickerbocker All-Stars
Best Song - "Please Mr. BlackHat" by Bobby BlackHat Walters
Past Blewzzy Winners:
2014 - Best CD: Root Doctor New Attitude" - CD Review
- Best Song: Johnny Drummer -"Ain't No Secrets In A Small Town" CD Review
2013 - Best CD: Brandon Santini "This Time Another Year" - CD Review
- Best Song: Zoe Schwarz Blue Commotion -"I'll Be Yours Tonight" CD Review
2012 - Best CD: James "Buddy" Rogers "My Guitars My Only Friend" - CD Review
- Best Song: Bobby "Blackhat" Walters -"I Hear Mama's Voice" CD Review
2011 - Best CD: The Mighty Mojo Prophets "The Mighty Mojo Prophets" - CD Review
- Best Song: Burton Gaar -"That's All She Wrote" CD Review
2010 - Best CD: Bill Johnson "Still Blue" - CD Review
- Best Song: Bill Johnson -"Half The Man" CD Review
2009 - Best CD: John Primer "All Original" - CD Review
- Best Song: Blues Dragon -"Livin' On Death Row" CD Review
2008 - Best CD: Donald Ray Johnson "Pure Pleasure" - CD Review
- Best Song: Joey Gilmore -"Blues All Over You" CD Review
2007 - Best CD: The National Debonaires "New Sounds From Kansas City" - CD Review
- Best Song: Jook Bourke -"Just A Minute" CD Review
2006 - Best CD: Larry Griffith "High Wire Walkin'" - CD Review
- Best Song: Alvin Jett & The Phat noiZ Blues Band -"Angels Sing The Blues" CD Review
2005 - Tom "Blues Man" Hunter "Expressions of a Blues Man" - CD Review
- Honorable Mention:
Nick Moss -"Sadie Mae" CD Review
Zac Harmon - "The Blues According To Zacariah" CD Review
Rich Del Grosso - "Get Your Nose Outta My Bizness!" - CD Review
The Mannish Boys - "Live and In Demand" - CD Review
2004 - The Chris Fitz Band "This is My Church" - CD Review
- Honorable Mention - Nuno Mindelis "Twelve Hours" - CD Review - Click to Buy CD
2003 - Mark Cook "An Evening With The Blues" - CD Review - Click To Buy CD
- Honorable Mention - Melissa Martin & The Rhythm Kings - CD Review - Click To Buy CD
2002 - The Fusebusters - CD Review
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