Eyeful of Blues
Page 22
Nicole Hart & The NRG Band
Sebastian, Florida, July 2008
NICOLE HART & THE NRG BAND at Earl's Hideaway in Sebastian, Florida
The very lovely and lively NICOLE HART, singing and clapping up a storm
The main man in the NRG Band, LANCE ONG on the Keytar
The flamboyant ALVIN HARRISON on snake......errrr I mean Bass
Guitarist JARED KAHN tweaking out the blues
Youthful and very talented IAN CARROLL on drums
NICOLE with that ever present twinkle in her eye for LANCE
NICOLE struttin' her stuff
A work of art or an instrument? Both - ALVIN'S extremely interesting hand made Bass
LANCE and JARED mixing it up on Keytar and Guitar
LANCE, NICOLE, ROSE and BLEWZZMAN PETE are always happy to see each other
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