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2007 Blues Music Award Photos

Blues Line

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The Sean Carney Band playing at the Blues Music Awards Pre Party

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Sean Carney

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Blues Foundation Board Member and newlywed Bonnie Tallman with her husband Charlie

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Pete the Blewzzman and his lovely wife, Blewzzlady Rose being dwarfed by mandolin maestro Rich Del Grosso

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The lovely Lisa and Rich Del Grosso - soon to be newlyweds

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From "Sunday Blues with Dar", the very beautiful Dar and her handsome husband Gerardo

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A current and possibly future guitar legend - the one and only Duke Robillard and first time nominee Dave Gross

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Janiva Magness proudly showing off her trophies - her second consecutive BMA and her handsome husband. That's Steve of Piedmont Talent in the center.

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Nick and Kate Moss looking extremely happy together

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The ever smiling Sugar Pie Desanto

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*All photos used with permission

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