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| Blues Brigade Info
Bringing Together
 A World of Blues
Hello Fellow Blues Lovers,
We here at would like to ask for your help. As most of you know, Mary and I take pride in our web site and we try real hard to keep the content current. However, that has become a very difficult task for three of our very popular pages:
Our Blues Club Pages
Our Blues Festival Pages
Our Blues Radio Show Pages
Unfortunately, Blues Clubs all around the country are closing, Blues Festivals are being abandoned as well, and Blues Radio Shows are being taken off the air waves just about every week. On the other hand, and thank God for this, some of these losses do get replaced with new ventures by new entrepreneurs. And this, my blues friends, is what makes it nearly impossible for us to keep up with it all.
You can help by becoming a member of our "BLUES BRIGADE". This notice is reaching a huge amount of people and we are hoping that it will make it to someone in just about every major metropolitan area as well as many smaller cites around the country. You can help even further, by passing it along to all of your Blues Friends.
We are looking for people who are willing to step forward and volunteer to help us by sending us the changes that take place in your area. It is important that we have as many different areas as possible covered, so please contact us first, then a geographical network will be set up. We will try to eliminate getting 87 reports from the same city and getting none from others. Once that network is set up, we will email you a monthly "update reminder".
Having said that, let me address a few of the questions some of you may have:
What is the Blues Brigade? A group of people who enjoy the Blues as much as we do and are willing get involved by emailing us about the Blues scene in your area.
Will I get paid for joining? Are you nuts? This is the Blues! Your help is a good will gesture to the Blues World, and since our website has visitors from all over the world, we do mean it when we say the Blues "World".
What's in it for me? Other than our undying gratitude and the good feeling you'll get from helping to keep the Blues Alive by keeping the info at our website up-to-date......we will create a "Meet the Blues Brigade" page" and your name and the city you represent will be posted there. We'll even add your picture if you send us one (sorry, clothing is mandatory).
I'm in, how do I sign up? Just click HERE and send us your name and location (Your city and state are enough, we do not need your home address).
We are anxious to hear from many of you and think that this project can be a lot of fun for all participants. Besides, you'll be involved in aiding the music we all hold so dear to our hearts - THE BLUES!
Thanks to the following Brigadiers for submitting pictures & updates:
- Albert Castiglia, Florida
- Andres -Bullfrog Brown, The Baltics
- Ansel Strickland -Sweet Gum Bottom Blues Fest, Alabama
- Ben Sanders -WMRW, Vermont
- Bob Wallace, Oklahoma
- Crash KYBB-FM, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
- Crawlinkingsnake (Mike) -Blues, Jazz & Folk Music Society, Mid-Ohio Valley
- Debrah Dixon, Southern California Blues Society
- Delta Frank Black WGLT Blues DJ, Clinton, Illinois
- Frank Bauer -Phat noiZ Entertainment LLC, St. Louis Missouri
- Frank Giovanni Delta Blues Festival, Antioch, California
- Gustavo Rozenberg -Good Time Blues Radio Show, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Howard Glazer, Michigan
- Jazzablanca, New York
- Jeff T -Soi Dog Blues Band, Thailand
- Joanna -Southwest Blues Magazine, Texas
- Jules, Melbourne, Forida
- Kurt, Soulful Impressions Photography, Chicago, Illinois
- Lee Mitchell, Alabama
- Marlene Willard, The Augusta Blues Society, Georgia
- Michael DuBois -CKRL , Quebec City, Canada
- Robert, Washington
- Ruth Peech -Brandon Blues Society, Brandon, Manitoba Canada
- Sandy, Arkansas
- Steve Pasek -Big Productions, Inc., Chainsaw Dupont, Chicago, Illinois
- Tom Kirchner, The Dennis Peters Band
Check out some pictures submitted by Blues Brigade members (Use the arrows to scroll the pictures)
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