2011 Recipient of the KBA |
Thank You To The Blues Foundation!
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| Mary4Music Presents:
"Keeping The Blues Alive"
Volume One

Listen To Tracks From "Keeping The Blues Alive, Volume One" by clicking each track. Once you've listened, contact the artists - their links are below - for information on purchasing their individual discs.
Gig Blue - Terry B3er4
Surrender To The Blues - Lisa Mann
Put On Your Red Shoes - Bobby BlackHat Walters
Blues Sure Get Me - Alison Joy Williams
What I Used To Have - Rb Stone
My Daddy Was The Postman - The Porkroll Project
Fourth Street Ruckus - Dave Sadler
Half The Man - Bill Johnson
Animals Get The Blues Too - Rozzy Osborne's Blues Band
Test Drive That Woman - Memphis Gold
Below is information on our inaugural release which is titled "Keeping The Blues Alive, Volume One". This is the first of many discs that we at hope to be producing. These compilation discs are designed for networking purposes in hopes that these bands will gain some recognition. The CD features ten original tracks by ten different blues artists.
Tracks included on this compilation:
Gig Blue (Blankley/Panacci)
The Terry B3er4 -
Surrender To The Blues (Lisa Mann)
Lisa Mann & Her Really Good Band -
Put On Your Red Shoes
(Bobby BlackHat Walters & Larry Berwald)
Bobby BlackHat Walters -
Blues Sure Get Me (Alison Joy Williams)
Alison Joy Williams -
What I Used To Have (RB Stone)
RB Stone -
My Daddy Was The Postman (Neil Taylor)
The Porkroll Project -
Fourth Street Ruckus (Dave Sadler)
Dave Sadler -
Half The Man (WL Johnson)
Bill Johnson -
Animals Get The Blues Too (Roger K. Osborne)
Rozzy Osborne's Blues Band -
Test Drive That Woman (Chet Chandler)
Memphis Gold -
Radio Stations:
For a list of stations playing tracks from "Mary4Music Presents: Keeping The Blues Alive, Volume One" Click HERE
The cd is being sent to approximately 200 radio stations that have blues as part of their programming. Below is a partial list of radio stations and programs the cd was mailed to.
2 BAY Byron Bay Australia - 5EFM Victor Harbor, Australia - A1 BLUES, Internet - ALL THINGS CONSIDERED NPR - ATC - BLUE PEERY HILL RECORDS - Blues City Radio, Internet - BLUES MOBILE - BLUZNDABLOOD, Internet - CFRO Vancouver, BC, Canada - CKUW Manitoba, Canada - FIRST MEDIA RADIO - FULL TIME BLUES - GALAXIE - IOWA PUBLIC RADIO IA - JAZZ.FM91, Toronto, Canada - KAFM Grand Junction, CO - KAOS Olympia, WA - KBRZ Houston, TX - KBXR Columbia, MO - KC CAFE RADIO - KCEM - KCOR MI - KCR San Diego, CA - KCSS Turlock, CA - KDVS Davis, CA - KFAI Minneapolis, MN - KFSR Fresno, CA - KGGV Guerneville CA - KGLP Gallup NM - KHUM Humboldt County, CA - KINK Portland, OR - KIOS Omaha, NE - KJZZ Phoenix, AZ - KKFI Kansas City, MO - KMHD Gresham, OR - KMSU MN - KMUW Witchita, KS - KMXT Kodiak, AK - KNCA Chico, CA - KNON Dallas, TX - KPFT - KPLU Seattle, WA - KQHT Grand Forks, ND/MN Border - KRBX Boise, ID - KRFB Birmingham, AL - KRFC Fort Collins, CO - KRVM Eugene, OR - KRVS Lafayette, LA - KSCU Santa Clara, CA - KSER WA - KSJS San Jose, CA - KSPQ Ozark, MO - KSYM San Antonio, TX - KTEP ElPaso, TX - KTHR KS - KTUH Honolulu, HI - KUNM Albuquerque, NM - KUNR Reno, NV - KUSP Santa Cruz, CA - KUYI Keams Canyon, AZ - KVMR Nevada City, CA - KVNF Paonia, CO - KWCW Walla Walla, WA - KWIT Sioux City, IA - KWMR Marin County, CA - KXCI Tucson, AZ - KXMT Taos, NM - KZFR Chico, CA - KZSU Stanford, CA - MIDNIGHT FLYER - MUSIC CARAVAN - MUSIC CHOICE - MUSIC UNLIMITED - OCEAN BEACH - POLSKIE RADIO Poland - RADIO EM Poland - RADIO FLASH Torino, IT - RADIO PICA - RADIO RCC - RENEGADE NATION - THE ROADHOUSE - SLACKER RADIO, Internet - SOUTHERN CROSSROADS, Internet - TOPBLUES AZ - WAER Syracuse, NY - WALW Moulton, AL -
WAY FM Victoria, Australia - WBFO Buffalo, NY - WBGU Bowling Green, OH - WBOR Brunswick, ME - WBRT Bardstown, KY - WBSD Burlington, WI - WBZR - WCLX Westport, NY - WCMU Mt. Pleasant MI - WCNI New London, CT - WCUW Worcester, MA - WCVE Richmond, VA - WCVF Fredonia, NY - WDCB Glen Ellyn, IL - WDPS Dayton, OH - WDST Woodstock, NY - WDVX East Tennessee - WECS Hartford, CT - WEFT Champaign, IL - WEMU East Michigan University, MI - WERU Bangor, ME - WESU Middletown CT - WEVL Memphis, TN - WFDU Teaneck, NJ - WFHB Bloomington, IN - WFIT Melbourne, FL - WFOS Chesapeake, VA - WFPK Louisville, KY - WGLT Normal, IL - WGMC Rochester, NY - WHFR Dearborn, MI - WHRW Binghamton, NY - WHUS Storrs, CT - WITR Rochester, NY - WIZN Burlington, VT - WJAB A and M University, AL - WKCC IL - WKGL Rockford, IL - WKPX FL - WLRH Huntsville, AL - WLVR Bethlehem, PA - WMEB Orono, ME - WMFO STAR RADIO Medford, MA - WMHB Waterville, ME - WMNF Tampa, FL - WMSC Upper Montclair, NJ - WMSE Milwaukee WI - WMSR - WMWV Conway, NH - WNCD Youngstown, OH - WNCW Spindale, NC - WNIJ DeKalb, IL - WNKU Cincinnati, OH - WNMC Marquette, MI - WNRB Wausau, WI - WORLD CAFE, Syndicated - THE WORLD OF BLUES - WORT Madison, WI - WQCY Quincy, IL - WQSU Selingsgrove, PA - WPCR - WPFW Washington, DC - WPKN Bridgeport, CT - WQLN Erie, PA - WRBC Lewiston, ME - WRFG Atlanta, GA - WSND Notre Dame, IN - WSUW Whitewater, WI - WTJU Charlotsville, VA - WUCF Orlando, FL - WUCX MI - WUEV Evansville, IN - WUML Lowell, MA - WUSU - WVGN Virgin Islands - WVKR Poughkeepsie, NY - WVPE Elkhart, IN - WVVL, Enterprise, AL - WWCU Great Smokey Mts, NC - WWKS Virgin Islands - WWNT, Dothan, AL - WWOZ New Orleans, LA - WWSP Stevens Point, WI - WXCI Danbury CT - WXMX Memphis, TN - WXPN PA - WXRT Chicago, IL - WYAV Myrtle Beach, SC - WYCE West Michigan, MI - XM Sirius Satellite Radio - YELLOWSTONE PUBLIC RADIO
- Les Tarr (Blues Host) - Thank you for all of the great music you've been sending for my show. We be DIGGIN' IT... On EIGHT TO THE BAR WITH TARR! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Bluesically yours, Les Tarr, EIGHT TO THE BAR WITH TARR
- Neil Taylor (Musician) - Pete and Mary, On behalf of the Porkroll Project, a huge thank you!!! Your support and encouragement are amazing! Best regards, Neil
- Dave Sadler (Musician) - Nice work with everything on the compilation CD! There already is a bit of buzz going around and I have received several inquiries about the CD from DJ's. Thanks for the hard work on the release!
- Bobby BlackHat Walters (Musician) - Received my copy this afternoon. Wow, this is a fantastic CD. I love hearing the awesome creativity of my fellow blues musicians. Thanks for inviting me to participate in this project.
- Alison Joy Williams (Musician) - Thank you to you and Peter for including me on your inaugural disc Mary. It was a great idea and am so glad to be a part of it!
- Rb Stone (Musician) - Thanks Guys can't wait to get a copy I just reposted some of the info I should have known you would put it on my page haha
- Dave Sadler (Musician) - (The cover) Looks great Mary!
- Bill Johnson (Musician) - Happy to be a part of it, and to be in such fine company.
- Neil Taylor (Musician) - I just got my copy on Saturday, and we are humbled and blessed to be included in such a great lineup of musicians and songs! The whole CD is a great listen, front to back!!!
- Memphis Gold (Musician) - Thank you so much Mary! I got the cd today! Loving it!
- Rozzy Osbourne (Musician) - I got an e-mail today from a dj that wants my whole Cd to play. He loved "Animals Get the Blues Too"
- Robert Feuer (Blues Radio Host) - Thanks for the CD. Some nice tracks I can use on my show, Blues Up the River
- Thanks for sending the Keeping the Blues Alive CD. Great music! I'll be playing some tracks this Thursday on my weekly blues show Bourbon City Blues from 1-3 p.m. on WBRT 1320 AM, or listen live at
- Scott Hambone Hammer (Blues Radio Host) - Got your cd...will give it some airplay in Chicago in coming weeks
- Black Jack, WRFG/Atlanta (Blues Radio Host) - This is a great compilation CD! I received a copy from Frank and will feature various tracks during my show for the next several weeks. Thanks.
- Jerry D (Blues Radio Host) I recieved your new compilation CD last week (I believe from Frank Roszak), I love the idea-getting these folks out there, by gleaning through the stacks of CD's and putting together a good package of music to present...I hope this is successful, and I will be giving this some airplay, and am considering making it a Blues CD Pick of the Week in my second hour feature...
- Kim (Blues Radio Host) - Just recv'd the CD! Very nice!! I love the selections... I'll be playing quite a few on Friday, August 10th on the Breakfast With The Blues show. 5:30 am to 8:00 on 91.9 KRVM. Sweet... hope you come out with another one!
- Jud (Radio Listener) - I heard a cut from Mary4Musics Keeping the Blues Alive CD on WRFG here in Atlanta this morning on Blackjacks show. All I can say is please, please, please make this CD available for purchase! I couldn’t find a link to buy it on the website but the one track I heard on the radio this morning was enough to make me want some more. Where or how can I get it!?
CD Review:

Various Artists
Mary4Music Presents:
"Keeping The Blues Alive"
Volume One
By Peter "Blewzzman" Lauro, July 2012
Hypothetically, if I were in a conversation with Terry Blankley while not knowing what he did for a living I'm sure that upon hearing his voice I'd ask if him if he was a blues singer. Of course, we now know that he is - and that's a good thing. His raspy, growling vocals along with awesome guitar and percussion work, all highlight "Gig Blue".
There's no questioning her sincerity as Lisa emotionally admits it's time to "Surrender To The Blues". This just may possibly be one of the best songs I'll hear all year long. There's a phrase I repeatedly use to describe songs of this caliber and here it is - this is song of the year material. To me, this is what the blues is all about....well written melancholy lyrics that are sung with the heart and soul, slow and steamy rhythm that features deep and sultry horns and beautiful piano highlights, and of course - scorching guitar leads.
Put On Your Red Shoes
(Bobby BlackHat Walters & Larry Berwald)
Bobby BlackHat Walters -
Just as those red shoes get Bobby BlackHat going, the song will do the same to it's listeners. "Put On Your Red Shoes" is one of those tracks that fill the dance floor with it's opening notes. Even the wallflowers will be shaking, moving or tapping one or more of their body parts. Excellent singing, harp work and rhythm.
Had I thought of this line first - I don't get the blues, but the "Blues Sure Get Me", I'd be using it as my slogan. It's a cool and truthful statement. Most of us blues fans really don't get the blues but yet the blues sure has got a hold on us. In addition to highlighting Alison's vocal prowess, this track features great rhythm and excellent sax arrangements.
His woman's gone and she's got his money and his car. RB should be mad, but instead - he's in love with what he used to have. "What I Used To Have" is a well written solo acoustic track that features RB Stone doing what he does best - singing, pickin' and blowin' a harp. Real good stuff right here.
The title of this song - "My Daddy Was the Postman" - sounds innocent enough. After all, I was even a postman at one time in my life. However, some of it's lyrics have me wondering if it was his "mail", or his "male", that he was spreading around from house to house. Who cares? What really matters is that the song rocks. Having worked with this band over the course of many years and many discs, this is typical Porkroll Project material - tight rhythm, smokin' harp and keyboards, rippin' guitar licks and well sung vocals.
Of all the musicians on this disc, Dave Sadler is the only one I've yet to have the pleasure of previously listening to and working with. Having now done that I can truly say "Welcome to my blues world, Dave". "Fourth Street Ruckus" could have easily been called Fourth Street Melee, Fourth Street Free For All or Fourth Street Donnybrook. Basically, they all mean that all hell is breaking loose and that's exactly what's going on musically on this five minute instrumental. Leading the way with relentless guitar playing, Dave Sadler and the band are kickin' ass.
"Half The Man" is an absolutely phenomenal track with sensational guitar work. I swear, when it was over, I felt like applauding. It opens with one hell of a guitar highlight followed by intense, soulful vocals. Then, halfway through this five minute song, Bill goes off on a two and a half minute, song ending solo, equal to the mastery that Ronnie Earl has over his guitar. What a great song, and an original at that. (This track, and the CD it appeared on ("Still Blue") were both winners of the 2010 "Blewzzy Award").
Animals Get The Blues Too (Roger K. Osborne)
Rozzy Osborne's Blues Band -
Rozzy Osborne is really Roger K. Osborne, a truly caring person who has dedicated his life to helping and caring for animals. He's also a talented guitarist, vocalist and songwriter. "Animals Get The Blues Too", is a CD featuring all original songs about animals and most of the proceeds from it went to the Humane Society. The title track is about as good as a blues song gets. It's got it all...the heartfelt and soulful vocals, great rhythm led by the ever present and soothing organ sounds, those blistering guitar leads and melancholy lyrics that any animal lover will surely relate to.
(This has absolutely nothing to do with the song but I feel compelled to say it........Although Memphis Gold and I have been friends via the Internet for a very long time, it wasn't until the 2011 Blues Music Awards, in Memphis, TN. when we actually met. Starting about an hour before the actual awards ceremony, the lobby of the Marriott Hotel becomes a virtual who's who of blues folk. It's mingling at it's best. From across the room I couldn't help but notice a handsome, well dressed black man and it was undoubtedly his bright gold baseball cap with "Vietnam Veteran" in green letters that made him stand out. As sure as I am that anyone from GQ would have considered this improper accessorizing, I'm also sure that there wasn't a veteran in the room who'd agree with them. Being one of those veterans, meeting this gentleman and shaking his hand became my priority. As I approached him I said "Good evening sir, I'd like to introduce myself"....and before I could, I was interrupted by a woman who said "You don't know who that is?" Turning to her I said "No Ma'am, but I'm pretty sure you're going to tell me". Then, as proud as a peacock showing off it's beautiful feathers, the woman excitedly and loudly said "Why that's my husband.....Memphis Gold". It was classic.)
Just like he does before he buys a car, Memphis Gold wants to "Test Drive That Women". After all, he's gotta make sure her motor's running right...right? Good lyrics, good singing, good guitar work, great person. Also highlighted by wonderful sax and piano accompaniment.
Peter "Blewzzman" Lauro
Blues Editor @
2011 Keeping The Blues Alive Award Recipient

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If you and your band are interested in becoming part of future Volumes... Click HERE and we'll send you some info.
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