2011 Recipient of the KBA |
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| Mary4Music Presents:
"Keeping The Blues Alive"
Volume Two

Listen To Tracks From "Keeping The Blues Alive, Volume Two" by clicking each track. Once you've listened, contact the artists - their links are below - for information on purchasing their individual discs.
Help I Don't Need - Larry Griffith
Ain't Nobody Knows - Jook Bourke
Soul Distraction - Mama Groove
Preacher Blues - Memphis Gold And The Scrap Iron Band
A Day Late And A $ Short - Reverend Freakchild
One Of These Mornings - Stan Erhart
Blues Blues Blues - JC Crossfire
Bottle Of Gin - Blues Dragon
Workday Blues - Darren Jay & The Delta Souls
What Good Am I - Lisa Cee
Below is information on "Keeping The Blues Alive, Volume Two". This is the second of many discs that we at hope to be producing. These compilation discs are designed for networking purposes in hopes that these bands will gain some recognition. The CD features ten original tracks by ten different blues artists.
Tracks included on this compilation:
Larry Griffith
"Help I Don't Need"
Jook Bourke
"Ain't Nobody Knows"
Mama Groove
"Soul Distraction"
Memphis Gold & The Scrap Iron Band
"Preacher Blues"
Reverend Freakchild
"A Day Late And A $ Short"
Stan Erhart
"One Of These Mornings"
JC Crossfire
"Blues Blues Blues"
Blues Dragon
"Bottle of Gin"
Darren Jay & The Delta Souls
"Workday Blues"
Lisa Cee
"What Good Am I"
Radio Stations:
The cd is being sent to approximately 200 radio stations that have blues as part of their programming.
Below is a partial list of radio stations and programs the cd was mailed to.
2 BAY Byron Bay Australia - 5EFM Victor Harbor, Australia - A1 BLUES, Internet - ALL THINGS CONSIDERED NPR - ATC - BLUE PEERY HILL RECORDS - Blues City Radio, Internet - BLUES MOBILE - BLUZNDABLOOD, Internet - CFRO Vancouver, BC, Canada - CKUW Manitoba, Canada - FIRST MEDIA RADIO - FULL TIME BLUES - Frome FM 96.6 Blues Train Radio, UK - GALAXIE - IOWA PUBLIC RADIO IA - JAZZ.FM91, Toronto, Canada - KAFM Grand Junction, CO - KAOS Olympia, WA - KBRZ Houston, TX - KBXR Columbia, MO - KC CAFE RADIO - KCEM - KCOR MI - KCR San Diego, CA - KCSS Turlock, CA - KDVS Davis, CA - KFAI Minneapolis, MN - KFSR Fresno, CA - KGGV Guerneville CA - KGLP Gallup NM - KHUM Humboldt County, CA - KINK Portland, OR - KIOS Omaha, NE - KJZZ Phoenix, AZ - KKFI Kansas City, MO - KMHD Gresham, OR - KMSU MN - KMUW Witchita, KS - KMXT Kodiak, AK - KNCA Chico, CA - KNON Dallas, TX - KPFT - KPLU Seattle, WA - KQHT Grand Forks, ND/MN Border - KRBX Boise, ID - KRFB Birmingham, AL - KRFC Fort Collins, CO - KRVM Eugene, OR - KRVS Lafayette, LA - KSCU Santa Clara, CA - KSER WA - KSJS San Jose, CA - KSPQ Ozark, MO - KSYM San Antonio, TX - KTEP ElPaso, TX - KTHR KS - KTUH Honolulu, HI - KUNM Albuquerque, NM - KUNR Reno, NV - KUSP Santa Cruz, CA - KUYI Keams Canyon, AZ - KVMR Nevada City, CA - KVNF Paonia, CO - KWCW Walla Walla, WA - KWIT Sioux City, IA - KWMR Marin County, CA - KXCI Tucson, AZ - KXMT Taos, NM - KZFR Chico, CA - KZSU Stanford, CA - MIDNIGHT FLYER - MUSIC CARAVAN - MUSIC CHOICE - MUSIC UNLIMITED - OCEAN BEACH - POLSKIE RADIO Poland - RADIO EM Poland - RADIO FLASH Torino, IT - RADIO PICA - RADIO RCC - RENEGADE NATION - THE ROADHOUSE - SLACKER RADIO, Internet - SOUTHERN CROSSROADS, Internet - TOPBLUES AZ - WAER Syracuse, NY - WALW Moulton, AL -
WAY FM Victoria, Australia - WBFO Buffalo, NY - WBGU Bowling Green, OH - WBOR Brunswick, ME - WBRT Bardstown, KY - WBSD Burlington, WI - WBZR - WCLX Westport, NY - WCMU Mt. Pleasant MI - WCNI New London, CT - WCUW Worcester, MA - WCVE Richmond, VA - WCVF Fredonia, NY - WDCB Glen Ellyn, IL - WDPS Dayton, OH - WDST Woodstock, NY - WDVX East Tennessee - WECS Hartford, CT - WEFT Champaign, IL - WEMU East Michigan University, MI - WERU Bangor, ME - WESU Middletown CT - WEVL Memphis, TN - WFDU Teaneck, NJ - WFHB Bloomington, IN - WFIT Melbourne, FL - WFOS Chesapeake, VA - WFPK Louisville, KY - WGLT Normal, IL - WGMC Rochester, NY - WHFR Dearborn, MI - WHRW Binghamton, NY - WHUS Storrs, CT - WITR Rochester, NY - WIZN Burlington, VT - WJAB A and M University, AL - WKCC IL - WKGL Rockford, IL - WKPX FL - WLRH Huntsville, AL - WLVR Bethlehem, PA - WMEB Orono, ME - WMFO STAR RADIO Medford, MA - WMHB Waterville, ME - WMNF Tampa, FL - WMSC Upper Montclair, NJ - WMSE Milwaukee WI - WMSR - WMWV Conway, NH - WNCD Youngstown, OH - WNCW Spindale, NC - WNIJ DeKalb, IL - WNKU Cincinnati, OH - WNMC Marquette, MI - WNRB Wausau, WI - WORLD CAFE, Syndicated - THE WORLD OF BLUES - WORT Madison, WI - WQCY Quincy, IL - WQSU Selingsgrove, PA - WPCR - WPFW Washington, DC - WPKN Bridgeport, CT - WQLN Erie, PA - WRBC Lewiston, ME - WRFG Atlanta, GA - WSND Notre Dame, IN - WSUW Whitewater, WI - WTJU Charlotsville, VA - WUCF Orlando, FL - WUCX MI - WUEV Evansville, IN - WUML Lowell, MA - WUSU - WVGN Virgin Islands - WVKR Poughkeepsie, NY - WVPE Elkhart, IN - WVVL, Enterprise, AL - WWCU Great Smokey Mts, NC - WWKS Virgin Islands - WWNT, Dothan, AL - WWOZ New Orleans, LA - WWSP Stevens Point, WI - WXCI Danbury CT - WXMX Memphis, TN - WXPN PA - WXRT Chicago, IL - WYAV Myrtle Beach, SC - WYCE West Michigan, MI - XM Sirius Satellite Radio - YELLOWSTONE PUBLIC RADIO
CD Review:

Various Artists
Mary4Music Presents:
"Keeping The Blues Alive"
Volume Two
By Peter "Blewzzman" Lauro, November 2012
"Help I Don't Need"
Larry Griffith
Larry Griffith is no stranger to us here at Mary4Music. Back in 2006 his "High Wire Walkin'" disc was the recipient of our website's "Blewzzy Award". The Blewzzy is an award I personally bestow upon my favorite of all the CDS I reviewed that year.
"Help I Don't Need" is everything I'd expect from Larry. His guitar work is as good as anybody's and his vocals are even better. This is one of those songs that you just can't accept it ending..... and I haven't. That's the good part of listening at home and not on the radio - I can play it over and over and over........
"Ain't Nobody Knows"
Jook Bourke
Jook Bourke is another Mary4Music alumni. As a matter of fact, back in 2007, the title track off of his "Just A Minute" CD was the recipient of a "Blewzzy Award" in the Best Song Category.
Well, Jook's back at it again with another amazing song titled "Ain't Nobody Knows". This one's got it all going on. If Jook's guitar playing and vocals don't knock you out, the fierce rhythm and smokin' saxophone interludes will.
"Soul Distraction"
Mama Groove
Mama Groove is another of seven of the ten bands familiar to us here at Mary4Music. It was just about six months ago when when Mama - Ysabell Gagnon - was blowing me away with amazing vocal range.
Trust me when I say that you shouldn't have a sole distraction while listening to "Soul Distraction". It's a compelling opening track that just commands attention. The driving rhythm, the guys tearing it up on guitars and organ, and the dominance of Ysabel's vocal artistry will all blow you away as well.
"Preacher Blues"
Memphis Gold & The Scrap Iron Band
Memphis Gold and I have been working together so much over the years and as far as I'm concerned, every minute of it has been an absolute pleasure. In addition to being a heck of a guitarist, singer and songwriter, he's a heck of a person as well. I could literally spend hours here telling you about him but instead I'll just suggest you research him and find it out on your own. Do it, you'll be impressed.
Although preachers are usually there to help and guide you through your periods of the blues, Memphis seems to have found one that's causing him some instead. You see, his woman running off with the preacher has given him a bad case of the "Preacher Blues". With the horns blaring, the organ wailing and the rhythm pounding behind him, Memphis does some serious testifying on this one.
"A Day Late And A $ Short"
Reverend Freakchild
Reverend Freakchild? Got you wondering? Can't say that I blame you. However, inasmuch as some of his other work tends to border on the wild side, "A Day Late And A $ Short" is all about the blues. I'm sure there's not a one of us who hasn't used the title of this song at least once in your lives. The song sounds like it was recorded at a party and features good guitar and organ highlights.
"One Of These Mornings"
Stan Erhart
The opening guitar licks tell you right off the bat that you're gonna love this one. Then the rhythm section gets going, Stan starts singing, the sax chimes in and.....BAM!.....before you even realize it, your feet are tappin', your fingers are snappin', your head is bobbin', and your body swayin’ and your smack dab in the middle of one hell of a blues song. Here's what I had to say about this track when I did a full review of the CD....."Wanting to hear about twenty more minutes of "One Of These Mornings", I just replayed this three and a half minute song about five or six times making it louder each time. It's not a coincidence that Stan's at disc's best on guitar on the disc's best track. This is really good stuff... I'm going back for another listen."
"Blues Blues Blues"
JC Crossfire
So, does the title of this song leave any doubt as to what it's about? I didn't think so. No matter what, JC and the guys just can't seem to shake those "Blues Blues Blues". They've got 'em so bad they had to tell ya three times. This one’s got all the ingredients of a great song. Good vocals and vocal harmony, tight rhythm, and excellent guitar, harp and piano highlights.
"Bottle of Gin"
Blues Dragon
The title of this track is about a place that may sound familiar to some of us - the bottom of a bottle. Be it a bottle of Scotch, a bottle of Bourbon, or in this case a "Bottle Of Gin", it's not a nice place. Blues Dragon will testify to that. From the title of the song, to the way it's sung and performed everything about this track reflects intensity. I'd expect nothing less from a band that won a Mary4Music "Blewzzy Award" for their "Living On Death Row" song back in 2009.
"Workday Blues"
Darren Jay & The Delta Souls
"Workday Blues" is rhythm driven blues at it's best. Take some ferocious drumming and chest thumpin' bass, throw in an organ and a bunch of horns and you're now listening to a full throttle smoker featuring excellent vocals from Darren and guitar by Darren Jay.
Right after working with Darren back in March of this year, his USN Reserve Unit got deployed to Kuwait. As of this writing I'm happy to know that he's doing well and will be home in January, 2013.
"What Good Am I"
Lisa Cee
Although a stranger to me, Lisa Cee is certainly not a stranger to the music scene - at least not on the country's west coast . The list of artists she's played with sounds like a lineup from the Doheny Blues Festivals and from what I'm hearing, several of those talented players may very well be backing her up on "What Good Am I" Blues with an attitude is about the best way of describing Lisa'a energetic and vibrant vocal style.
Peter "Blewzzman" Lauro
Blues Editor @
2011 Keeping The Blues Alive Award Recipient

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We are already busy securing bands for Volume 3. If you and your band are interested in becoming part of this project... Click HERE and we'll send you some info.
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